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Spread the Collaborative Word

August 24, 2020 Uncategorised

As collaborative professionals, we all need to do our bit in promoting ICP. One simple way to do this is by making reference to the process in the Settlement Documents we draft for successful collaborations.  Each time a set of proposed Consent Orders crosses a Registrar’s desk bearing reference to ICP, it’s another tick for the collaborative box.

Following is a sample Notation you are welcome to use when your next successful collaborative matters results in agreement.

“The parties have reached agreement as set out in these orders using an Interdisciplinary Collaborative Process, the wife represented by [ICP LAWYER A] and the husband represented by [ICP LAWYER B]. Both parties have also had the benefit of financial advice from [FINANCIAL NEUTRAL C] and the input of [COACH D], FDRP as part of that process (“the Collaboration”)”


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