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AACP Resources

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Getting the best out of your collaborative expert

May 2, 2023 Video

Craig Ashford and John Thynne explore creative solutions in valuation and accounting for your clients in this 30-minute webinar.

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The Role of the Collaborative Lawyer

January 16, 2021 Video

Join Shelby Timmins in conversation with Sue Abrams about the role of the collaborative lawyer in the collaborative process.

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What Is Collaborative Practice?

January 14, 2021 Video

A short (3.22min) video explanation about collaborative practice

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An AACP and CP(NSW) Presentation – Tommy

November 30, 2020 Video

An AACP and CP(NSW) event featuring Darren Mort, Barrister, Actor, Author and Director of To Be Loved and a screening of the short film, "Tommy".

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Darren MortParentingTo Be LovedTommy

QACP Introduction to Collaborative Practice

August 31, 2020 Video

This short video comprises a short history of collaborative law and a description of the collaborative process in resolving disputes

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An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice

August 31, 2020 Video

A short video outlining the benefits of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice and how it works

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AACP Webinar—The role of the coach in ICP

August 11, 2020 Video

Hosted by Shelby Timmins, with Bianca Roche-Bolger, Julia Brierley, Bernie Bolger, and Valerie Norton.

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AACP Webinar—Virtual dispute resolution in family law

August 11, 2020 Video

COVID-19 hasn't stopped divorce. It's moved it online.

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AACP thanks our gold and silver corporate members:

AACP thanks our corporate partners: