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Our new website is live!

November 13, 2018 AACP News

Following the November 2018 Board meeting of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals we launched our new website. The site provides a location with lots of information for the public.

Following the November 2018 Board meeting of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals we launched our new website. The site provides a location with lots of information for the public. As members join this will enable the public to link with collaborative professionals and address their matters in a way that we are confident will be of great benefit to parents their children and commercial organisations. We already have one training event for the start of the new year and links to State Collaborative Organisations. We are now looking forward to a great 2019 in which we anticipate an ongoing growth of the collaborative community.

AACP thanks our gold and silver corporate members:

AACP thanks our corporate partners: