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AACP – Where to from here?

November 8, 2018 AACP News

On this auspicious occasion of the launch of AACP’s website, the Board considered it timely to outline AACP’s purpose, goals, progress and aspirations for ICP in Australia.
Principal Purpose
The Principal Purpose for which AACP was established is to “promote the use and development of Collaborative Practice as an alternate dispute resolution process to resolve legal disputes respectfully, constructively and without recourse to litigation by:
(i) Educating the Australian community, legal, mental health, financial and other professionals and institutions about the benefits of using Collaborative Practice to resolve family law, civil and other disputes; and
(ii) Advocating to Governments (Federal and State), Courts and other institutions and stakeholders about how Collaborative Practice can and should be used to change the nature and process of dispute resolution. ”
What are our goals and how do we achieve them?
The AACP Board has identified our goals as follows: –
• Build relationships – by establishing and maintaining a supportive and collaborative relationship with State and Territory ICP bodies with the aim of unifying, strengthening and developing ICP across Australia.
• Broaden horizons – by expanding and evolving ICP into other areas of law suited to the ICP process
• Be at the top of our game – by establishing uniform professional standards through training and accreditation in order to preserve the integrity of the “collaborative” brand.
• Be seen and heard – by lobbying for legislative change to have ICP formally recognised as a legitimate ADR option with a view to creating a culture in which ICP is the prevailing method for the resolution of disputes.
• Smarten up – by expanding and better promoting training opportunities in ICP, by identifying where and when training courses are needed.
• Preach to the uninitiated – by liaising with relevant academic institutions across Australia to introduce ICP into curriculums.
• Go global – by developing international partnerships in order to strengthen our position both locally and abroad.
• Explore new frontiers – by supporting state and territories and local groups to expand ICP into regional and other areas where ICP does not yet have a presence.
• Spread the word – by establishing AACP as THE communication hub for all things ICP, acting as a centralised resource for training, events, news, networking and practice development.
Where are we today?
The main vehicle for our communication hub is now live and poised ready to begin its work of spreading the word – strengthening our identity and branding in the Australian ICP community. We welcome and indeed encourage feedback and contributions from our membership.
Where to from here?
As the board enters the post website launch phase, we have a number of exciting projects to share … watch this space!

AACP thanks our gold and silver corporate members:

AACP thanks our corporate partners: