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AACP – A National Conversation

March 6, 2019 AACP News

Our next endeavour – To deepen our understanding of what our Collaborative Community wants from its National Organisation.

As we embark on a new year, the AACP Board has resolved that its first and most important task is to further develop our relationship with our Australian Collaborative Community generally and the State and Territory bodies specifically.  Our aim is to identify our mutual interests, needs and concerns for the cohesive growth of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice (ICP) in Australia.

To this end, we are proposing to hold a National Conversation in Sydney on Friday, 10 May 2019.  Please Save the Date – invitations will be issued in the near future.

We would like to hear from our State and Territory counterparts as to the issues you want to address. In addition, the specific issues that we thought important are: –

  • Efficient and effective utilisation of the wide-ranging resources of the National organisation, State and Territory bodies and local practice groups.
  • The development of an Inaugural conference to be presented by AACP in 2020 and how the States and Territories members can and/or want to be involved
  • How to strengthen our National voice in the corridors of power – Government, Judiciary, Law Societies and other professional organisations.
  • Recognition of our financial realities and how we can most efficiently and equitably manage costs for members.

The Board proposes that the conversation takes place as a brainstorming session, exploring our collective interests, needs and concerns and generating options.  We propose to have two or more independent ICP coaches to facilitate the discussions, flow and feedback

The day will be hosted at the offices of Mills Oakley in Sydney. AACP is very grateful to Mills Oakley for their generous contribution in this respect.

At the conclusion of our full day of discussions, we think a little fun will have been earned.  We would love you to join us for some informal chat and cheer over drinks and canapes to be held in the lovely outdoor area of Mills and Oakley’s fab new premises. This will be a great opportunity to meet and network with our interstate colleagues.

This is an excellent opportunity to invest in the future of ICP in Australia, contribute to the discussion and network with our community.  We do hope that we can entice as many members as possible to participate in this important discussion.

AACP thanks our gold and silver corporate members:

AACP thanks our corporate partners: